Un-recognized Pages in Google Web Analytics Report

June 20th, 2008

Last time checked on the Google Web Analytics report for a domain name, saw a number of pages that didn’t belong to the site:


Consulted help from Google Groups … this is because someone has copied the Google Analytics code (javascript code) onto their site. Why? Don’t know. Have not thought of any good reasons for that… Please chime in if you know the answer.

Anyway, here is how to fix the problem.
1. Log in to Google Analytics account
2. Click on “Filter Manager” (look underneath the list of web profiles)
3. Click on “+ Add Filter”
4. Give the filter a meaningful name and choose the following options:

a. Filter Type: Custom -> Include
b. Filter Field: Hostname
c. Filter Pattern: ^www\.domain\.com$

5. Select the applicable website profile and click on “Save”

Source: http://groups.google.com/group/analytics-help-troubleshoot/browse_thread/thread/ff42d46636e39511

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